What is the Turing Test

Have you ever talked to a computer and thought you were talking to a real person? If so, you might have talked to one that has passed the Turing Test! What’s the Turing Test? I’m glad you asked! Check out my video to learn more.

A Common Question – What is Machine Learning?

In this video, I explain what Machine Learning is at a very high level. Every subset of AI mimics a specific dimension of humans. In my robotics video, I talked about the fact that robotics mimics humans’ physical abilities to do things. Machine learning on the other hand is the field that mimics humans’ brain ability especially our ability to “learn”.

Why should we learn about Artificial Intelligence

As the founder of Comfort.AI, my intention is to help as many people as I can to learn about artificial intelligence and make this concept your comfort zone. Why? Have you ever thought if Cyber Security was everyone’s comfort zone how different our internet world would have been and how many negative events could have been prevented?

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Thesis – On the Danger of Artificial Intelligence

Abstract In 2017, the world economic forum announced that AI would increase the global economy by USD 16 trillion by 2030 (World Economic Forum, 2017). Yet, at the same time, some of the world’s most influential leaders warned us about the danger of AI. Is AI good or bad? Of utmost importance, is AI an existential …